Battle of Heroes

About Battle of Heroes

Battle of Heroes is just a very interesting puzzle game, developed by Gotta Games Studios. With cute graphics and fun play games, the match is acceptable for all ages.

Primarily, you are going to select among the two teams: the hero group and the monster group. The two teams will face one another and there will soon be lanes. You need to choose a lane and create soldiers to attack on your opponent’s base. Soldiers will proceed on the lane you’ve selected. Once you destroy your opponent’s base, you need to pass on the stage.

But to earn a soldier, you will need to have gold. Buy miners to exploit gold for you. In addition, mana will be utilised to trigger special skills. These skills can aid your troops.

The interesting portion of the video game is that there are going to be several unique types of soldiers with unique abilities. You need to choose the kind of soldier which is appropriate for your wants. After completing the stage, the system may provide you celebrities. You are certain to find a max of 3 celebrities for each point.

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